All images digital collage/archival pigment prints, various sizes- up to 106” wide
Beaverpond Hill #1
The pictures are composed of five individual digital photos, composed in the computer. The separate frames are put together with the goal of creating a coherent composition, not an attempt to mimic reality. This results in images that are formally quite similar: arcs of rock over a line of road. When possible, the continuity of the form is emphasized by disguising the seams between frames, especially in the sky and the road. This gives the viewer the feeling of a flow, which encourages the eye to scan back and forth: to linger while being drawn into closer examination.
Beaverpond Hill #5
Beaverpond Hill #8
The issue of time: geological, historical, the now, the recent, the soon to come, is integral to this work: best seen when it is viewed as a series. The process entailed revisiting the same two locations at different times of day, in different light and weather, at different times of year, over five years. In addition to underlining the theme of time, this captures a complexity of character, mood, emotion in the subject, which is both surprising and satisfying.
In addition to the solidity of the living rock, the response to the landscape focuses on the intangibles that surround it: light, air, gravity and especially time. The road is both the time line and, counter-intuitively in the extreme foreground, the horizon line, exposing a geology receding into the past and future. It is an attempt to find the invisible, the overlooked, in the commonplace. The objective is to create images with a transcendent sense of place: alienated from any particular time but immersed in its substance. this is the essential purpose of art.
Beaverpond Hill #9
Beaverpond Hill #13
Walloomsac Cut #6
Walloomsac Cut #8
Walloomsa Cut #12
Walloomsac Cut #16
Walloomsac cut #18, Equinox Dawn
Walloomsac cut #18, Equinox Dusk